Case Study: SEEN Safety Pedestrian Detection Sensors at Ford Halewood Transmission Plant

In October 2023, Ford's Halewood Transmission Plant conducted a trial of SEEN Safety's pedestrian detection sensors. This case study delves into the trial's goals, results, and how it helped to improve safety for both pedestrians and forklift operators within the facility.

Trial Goals: Quantifying Risk and Evaluating Alerts

The SEEN system trial aimed to achieve two main objectives:

  1. Quantify Collision Risk: By observing how often pedestrians entered a critical zone (within 3 meters behind a reversing forklift), the trial assessed the true risk of pedestrian-forklift collisions.

  2. Evaluate Real-Time Alerts: The trial assessed how effectively the SEEN system provided immediate warnings to both forklift drivers and pedestrians when they were in close proximity.

Results: A Surprising Number of Close Calls

The trial identified a surprising number of close calls between reversing forklifts and pedestrians. Over a four-week period, the SEEN system detected:

  • 127 pedestrians within 3 meters behind reversing forklifts (an average of 5 per day)

  • 24 pedestrians closer than 2 meters

  • 6 pedestrians closer than 1.5 meters

These findings provided visibility into and evidence of the significant risk of pedestrian-forklift collisions within the facility.

SEEN System: Preventing Collisions and Providing Insights

The SEEN sensor alerts proved to be crucial in preventing potential collisions. This immediate safety benefit demonstrates the system's effectiveness in creating a safer work environment.

Furthermore, the SEEN system provided valuable data that Ford's HSE team could not have obtained otherwise. This data provided insights into the previously unseen risks posed by interactions between material handling equipment (MHE) and pedestrians.

Key Takeaways: SEEing the Path to Improved Safety

The SEEN system trial yielded several key takeaways:

  • Reduced Collision Risk: The system effectively detected pedestrians in close proximity to reversing forklifts, significantly reducing the likelihood of collisions.

  • Enhanced Situational Awareness: Real-time alerts kept both drivers and pedestrians informed of potential hazards, fostering a more vigilant and safety-conscious work environment.

  • Data-Driven Safety Risk Management: The valuable data collected by the SEEN system allowed Ford's HSE team to pinpoint and address potential MHE-pedestrian interaction risks.

Conclusion: A Success Story for Safety

The SEEN Safety pedestrian detection sensor trial at Ford's Halewood Transmission Plant was a resounding success. The system's ability to detect close calls, provide real-time alerts, and offer valuable data for risk assessment positions it as a powerful and scalable solution for improving pedestrian safety in industrial environments. SEEN’s innovative technology aligns perfectly with Ford's commitment to providing a safe working environment for all its employees.


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