Navigating the Labor Crisis: Prioritizing Safety in Warehouses with SEEN's Innovative Solution


In the dynamic landscape of the logistics and supply chain industry, the 2024 Kardex Warehouse Industry Report has unveiled a pressing concern affecting 34% of companies – the "Labor Crisis." With a staggering 73% struggling to find sufficient labor, 70% dealing with unreliable employees, and 52% facing recruitment challenges for skilled workers, the industry is grappling with unprecedented workforce shortages. Beyond its impact on operational efficiency, this crisis raises serious safety concerns within warehouses and distribution centers, where inexperienced workers, pressured to meet aggressive schedules, may compromise safety standards, leading to an elevated risk of accidents and injuries.

The Implications of the Labor Crisis:

As companies race to fulfill orders faster and meet tight deadlines, the implications for Health and Safety Managers and Operations Teams are profound. The report reveals that 34% of companies express the need to expedite order fulfillment, adding to the urgency of finding effective solutions to mitigate safety risks. In this scenario, the importance of proactive safety measures cannot be overstated. It's crucial to implement innovative solutions that not only address the labor shortage but also enhance workplace safety.

SEEN's Safety System: A Strategic Approach

SEEN, a pioneering company in pedestrian collision avoidance systems, offers a compelling solution to the challenges posed by the Labor Crisis. The company's safety system is designed to be simple, effective, and affordable, providing an active pedestrian detection system for forklifts and other Material Handling Equipment (MHE). Recognized for its award-winning technology, SEEN's approach ingeniously transforms mandatory high-visibility PPE into an additional layer of safety, actively preventing collisions in busy workplaces.

Addressing Recruitment Challenges:

For Operations Managers struggling with recruitment challenges, SEEN's safety system provides a unique edge. The system capitalizes on the widespread use of high-visibility safety vests, making workers inherently detectable without the need for additional tags. This innovative approach not only streamlines the onboarding process but also addresses the issue of novice employees by enhancing the visibility and accountability of every worker on the floor.

Enhancing Safety in the Workplace:

In the face of the Labor Crisis, prioritizing safety is paramount. With SEEN's safety system, Operations Managers can implement additional safety measures without adding complexity to their existing protocols. The system readily integrates with current safety systems and protocols, providing an affordable yet effective solution to mitigate the risk of accidents and injuries.

The Transformative Power of SEEN:

Proven Technology:

  • SEEN's safety system is backed by award-winning technology, providing a reliable and proven solution for collision avoidance. Existing customers consistently report positive feedback about the systems reliability in even the most challenging of conditions.

Affordable Solution:

  • In a time when companies are navigating financial challenges, SEEN's safety system offers an affordable way to prioritize safety without compromising on quality. The cost-effectiveness of the solution ensures that even companies with budget constraints can invest in enhanced safety measures.

Simplicity of Installation and Integration:

  • SEEN's safety system is simple to install: any auto-electrician can install the system. It is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing safety protocols and PPE. There's no need for calibration or any IT integration, making the transition smooth and minimizing disruptions to operations.

Taking Action: Requesting a Free Demo

For Health and Safety Managers and Operations Teams committed to navigating the challenges of the Labor Crisis while prioritizing safety, SEEN offers a tangible solution. The company invites businesses to experience the transformative power of their safety system through a free, no-obligation demo. This hands-on opportunity allows decision-makers to witness firsthand how SEEN's technology can revolutionize safety in their specific workplace.


As companies grapple with workforce challenges in the era of the Labor Crisis, it is crucial to proactively address safety concerns. SEEN's innovative safety system not only addresses recruitment challenges and the need for faster order fulfillment but also enhances workplace safety. By leveraging existing high-visibility PPE, SEEN provides a cost-effective and proven solution for pedestrian collision avoidance. It's time for Operations Managers and Health and Safety Teams to prioritize safety while navigating the challenges of the Labor Crisis, and usher in a new era of workplace safety with SEEN's transformative technology.

Book your free onsite demo today or visit our how to buy page for more information.


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